His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials

"No dæmons. Seems barbaric, doesn't it? They have the appearance of freedom, but the government's far more corrupt than the Magisterium. Twice as many shopping arcades. Half as many places of worship. It's a culture of consumerism. Not faith."
Carlo Boreal to Marisa Coulter about Will's world.[src]

Will's world was one of several parallel universes in the multiverse. Dæmons were invisible in this world, but still existed. Cats and humans lived in this world.[1]

Notable inhabitants[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Will's world can be identified as our own world.



  1. The Subtle Knife, Chapter 1
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Worlds Lyra's worldWill's worldWorld of CittàgazzeWorld of the deadMulefa worldGallivespian worldRepublic of HeavenKingdom of Heaven