His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials

"Madame Delamare was extremely thin, for reasons of fashion, and had once been handsome. Her sparse yellow hair was stiffly coiffed and she was immaculately made up, though a tiny amount of the scarlet lipstick had seeped into the tight lines that led away from her mouth, and no amount of cosmetics could conceal the savagery in her eyes"
—A description of Madame Delamare[src]

Madame Delamare was an elderly woman from Lyra's world who was the mother of Marcel Delamare and Marisa Coulter. Her dæmon took the form of a lizard. She had yellow hair and, at the time her son visited her in her home, was old and sick. She believed that matter was dead and only spirit gave life. She had some sort of relationship with Pierre Binaud.

Delamare had a great passion in finding her granddaughter, Lyra Silvertongue, and finding out how Marisa died as well as educating Lyra to grow up to follow in her mother's footsteps. Marcel once visited her in her house and told her about his advances in finding Lyra Silvertongue as well as what had happened at the Magisterial Congress.[1] She criticised Marcel for failing to live up to Marisa's achievements and abilities, and the two had a fairly antagonistic relationship.


  • In series 3 of the His Dark Materials BBC/HBO series, Madame Delamare supplies the Magisterium with a trunk containing some of Marisa's clothing.


