His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials

"It was about the time of the horse fair; and the canal basin was crowded with narrowboats and butty boats, with traders and travellers, and the wharves along the waterfront in Jericho were bright with gleaming harness and loud with the clop of hooves and the clamour of bargaining."
—Brief description of the event[src]

The Horse Fair was an annual gyptian festival in which gyptians from all over Brytain came to Port Meadow in Oxford. The fair took place during the second full week of July.[1] Port Meadow was covered in flags, banners, tents and pavilions during the horse fair and horses would be decorated with coloured silks and rosettes before being shown and traded.


During one of the Horse Fairs, Billy Costa was kidnapped by the General Oblation Board and taken to Bolvangar, last seen holding the horse of Johnny Fiorelli.[2]



  1. Lyra's Oxford, page 32
  2. Northern Lights, Chapter 3