His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials

Hans Flint[1] was a man from Lyra's world who was the skipper of the Elsa. He was swag-bellied, bow-legged and over sixty-years-old. His dæmon took the form of a parrot.[2]


Whilst in London, waiting for some cargo that would never arrive, Flint and the mate, Herman, talked about taking the propeller off a nearby boat that looked as if it had no crew and sell it. After agreeing to split the money they would make fifty-fifty, the captain and the mate tried to clamber onto the coaster although Flint didn't make it.[2]

After sailing across the Channel into Germany, Flint headed for Borkum where there was a breaker's yard he could see the propeller. After selling the propeller, he refused to share the money fifty-fifty with Herman saying that he was far more at risk.

Whilst on the way to Cuxhaven, the bush around the propeller on the Elsa fell apart meaning water had to be pumped from the vessel. They reached a wharf in Cuxhaven but could not pick up their cargo, some immigrants who had no money nor passports, without getting the spare part. Flint knew a man who could help but he wasn't there.[3] Flint then planned to take the immigrants to a farmer in Essex where they would work.[1]


