His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials

Giorgio Brabandt was an old gyptian who accompanied the twenty-year-old Lyra Silvertongue during her third time escaping Oxford by his boat, Maid of Portugal. His dæmon was called Anneke and had the form of a black and silver Keeshond.


When Lyra was 20, Giorgio arrived at the Castle Mill boatyard in Oxford for a small amount of time. Dick Orchard, his grandson, told Lyra whilst they were together at the White Horse. When Lyra's dæmon, Pantalaimon, left her, Lyra went to Dick to see if she could go with Giorgio to the Fens so that she could speak to Coram van Texel who would know what to do.

They fled towards the safety of the Fens and witnessed a flaming zeppelin crash.[1] His figure was described as bulky, and he wore oilskins and a sou'wester.[2]

Behind the scenes

  • The Keeshond has been known as the 'Dutch Barge Dog' and was frequently seen on canals and waterways in the Netherlands.


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HDM Wiki has 3 images of Giorgio Brabandt.

