His Dark Materials
His Dark Materials

The Consistorial Court of Discipline, abbreviated simply as the CCD, was an organisation that formed part of the Holy Church. It was concerned with heresy and non-believers. Its colours were navy blue and ochre.[1]


The CCD was established by the last Pope, John Calvin, after he moved the seat of the Papacy to Geneva. From this moment on, the Church had absolute power over all aspects of life.[2]

During the war between the Authority and Lord Asriel, the Gallivespian spy-captain Lord Roke noted that the CCD was one of the two most active branches of the Magisterium. He had a spy by the name of Chevalier Tialys reporting to him from the CCD.[3]

The Director of the CCD attended the Magisterial Congress when Lyra Silvertongue was 20.[4]




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